AOTS Journal 2017 AUTUMN No.11 (ENGLISH)
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- AOTS Journal No.11(Autumn 2017) Cover
- Message from President
- Contents
- History of the AOTS
- Examples of the AOTS’s Training Programs for Human Resource Development
- A Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) that Supports Japan’s Export of Carbon Reduction Infrastructure -Carbon Reduction Technology Promotion Program— [FUJIMOTO KIKOH Co.,Ltd.]
- The rise of the Japanese Silk-reeling Technology in Myanmar [KINUOZAWA Co. Ltd.]
- An Example of Use of the AOTS’s AMEICC Project “ASEAN-by-ASEAN”
- Secrets of overseas success in an industry they said couldn’t be expanded abroad [Noda Co., Ltd.]
- Introduction to AMEICC Projects
- News from the Bangkok Office
- H.E. Prof. Dr. Nila Moeloek, Minister of Health of Indonesia, Visited TKC and Talked with the Nurse andCare Worker Candidates
- Recent Developments in the AOTS (January–July 2017)