AOTS Journal 2017 AUTUMN No.11 (ENGLISH)

1No. 11 AUTUMN 20172History of the AOTS4Examples of the AOTS’s Training Programs for Human Resource Development4A Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) that Supports Japan’s Export of Carbon Reduction Infrastructure —Carbon Reduction Technology Promotion Program— FUJIMOTO KIKOH Co., Ltd.6The rise of the Japanese Silk-reeling Technology in Myanmar KINUOZAWA Co. Ltd.8An Example of Use of the AOTS’s AMEICC Project “ASEAN-by-ASEAN” 8Secrets of overseas success in an industry they said couldn’t be expanded abroad Noda Co., Ltd.10Introduction to AMEICC Projects11AOTS NEWS11News from the Bangkok Ofce11H.E. Prof. Dr. Nila Moeloek, Minister of Health of Indonesia, Visited TKC and Talked with the Nurse and Care Worker Candidates12Recent Developments in the AOTS (January–July 2017)2017 AUTUMNNo. 11JOURNAL

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