HIDA Journal 2017 SPRING No.10
9No. 10 SPRING 2017ExecutiveOfcersSenior managementofcersManagersSupervisors, engineersAmong participants of PQM conducted in August last year, there was Mr. Gautam Malhotra (hereinafter “Mr. Gautam”) from India. His father, Mr. Jai Parkash Malhotra (hereinafter “Mr. Jai”) learned from Dr. Kano in Japan 30 years ago, and the father and the son were surprised and glad to know that Mr. Gautam incidentally attended PQM taught by Dr. Kano. We asked them the impression of the trainings they had in Japan and their memories.Mr. Jai and Mr. Gautam run a company manufacturing valves used for re extinguishers and medical oxygen cylinders (Bhartiya Valves Pvt. Ltd.) in an industrial city called Faridabad in suburban New Delhi.Mr. Jai rst came to Japan in an APO program in August 1986, and attended a training for studying quality management in Tokyo where he was taught by Dr. Kano. Later, Mr. Jai came to Japan again in 2007 for attending the Executive Program on Monodzukuri (Japanese Art of Manufacturing) co-hosted by APO and AOTS (at the time). Mr. Jai actually introduced activities he learned through the two visits to Japan including 5S and improvement of a eld site. Now he has retired from the day-to-day management and serves as a board member of a local commerce and industry association and an instructor at a college.On the other hand, Mr. Gautam was strongly impressed by learning from the training in Japan that the ideas of keeping things organized and time management increase the efciency of work. After he got back to the country, he soon changed the work posture from sitting to standing in his factory. Also, he has made some efforts for work efciency such as strictly instructing workers not to leave their position except for during dened break times.After his return, when Mr. Gautam mentioned the name of Dr. Kano, Mr. Jai showed a photo of a house party held at Dr. Kano’s house as a memorial shot taken 30 years ago. Mr. Gautam was also invited by Dr. Kano together with PQM participants and noticed that the form of house party was exactly same as that in 30 years ago. Dr. Kano always invites participants of training programs he instructs to his house for a party. Mr. Jai and Mr. Gautam appreciated that having been invited for the house party where they were able to talk directly with Dr. Kano by taking down the fence of classroom which was a very precious experience during their stays in Japan.Message from Mr. Jai to Dr. KanoI’m very happy to hear that Dr. Kano have received the EOQ Georges Borel Award. It was my great honor to having learned from Dr. Kano the important elements of quality management in 1986. Dr. Kano’s comprehensible instruction and practical explanation made it easy for me to understand, and I still strongly remember what I learned from Dr. Kano. Thirty years later, my son was lucky to receive Dr. Kano’s lecture. I’m delighted to having had an unrepeatable coincidence that both my son and I were taught by Dr. Kano. I will share my experiences including having been invited to the house party with my son. I wish Dr. Kano’s continued success.Level-specic courses in Program for Quality ManagementFigure 2Course name(Opening year)Program Directors(Title omitted)TargetsAimEPQM(FY2007)**Dr. Noriaki Kano(Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science)CEO and Executive OfcersImproving the ability to manage based on qualityPQM(FY1982)Dr. Noriaki KanoMr. Yukihiro Ando(TQM Consultant)Senior management ofcers and middle management ofcers with prospect for future executive positionImproving the ability to promote quality management in line with the executive policiesPQPS(FY2009)Senior Program Director, Dr. Noriaki KanoMr. Yukihiro AndoDr. Masaaki Kaneko(Full-time lecturer, Department of Management Systems Engineering, School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Tokai University)Managers, supervisors and engineersLearning of approach to quality improvement and skillsHIDA offers three level-specic courses in Tokyo as part of our Program for Quality Management (Table 2).Jai and Gautam, the father and son team at their Faridabad ofceA scene of a party for the class of FY2016 PQM Dr. Kano (Center of second row from front) held at his home; with Mr. Ando(third from left in the second row) and Mr. Gautam (second from left in the rear) attendingA scene of a party in 1986 Dr. Kano (Front row right most) held at his home; with Mr. Ando (rear row right most) and Mr. Jai (second from rear row, fth from left) attending