HIDA Journal 2016 AUTUMN No.9
9No. 9 AUTUMN 2016by a state enterprise studied at training facilities of the Ministry of Industry. Today, there are people who are employed by a private enterprise after studying at training facilities managed by a state enterprise. However, based on the past records, it is considered that there are gaps between the training contents and private enterprises’ needs. It may take about ten years for the state to close the gaps. So private enterprises are necessary to independently carry out training where trainees can acquire practical skills in a short period according to the actual circumstances. I think that there are great roles and ex-pectations to be fullled by HIDA’s training programs. It seems that there are still many issues with vocational training in terms of its systems. Is there any example of a custom or way of thinking characteristic of Myanmar that will become an issue in working at a company?As one of the major characteristics of ways of thinking of people in Myanmar, they naturally follow the advice of a person who is older or in a higher position due to the thorough top-down system rooted in Myanmar. For example, at schools (from elementary school to university), the teacher reads a textbook and students repeat what the teacher reads, and students memorize all the contents of the textbook. Basically, as students simply memorize what their teachers say, they do not receive education where they think for themselves. When I asked a student from Myanmar studying at a graduate school in Japan what he had difculty with the most in Japan, he answered that he had difculty being asked for his opinion at all times. Like him, people in Myanmar do not have a custom to think for themselves and provide their opinions. It is considered that they are not used to make suggestions or improvements at their workplaces even if they are employed. However, actually, people working at a company cannot perform their tasks if they just do what they are told by their superiors. As Myanmar people are serious and have fundamental skills in general, it is necessary to make them understand that they can give their superiors their opinions, and take training at company to have a custom to think for themselves and give their opinions.In addition, as a result of continuous civil war since indepen-dence, the military has a very signicant presence in Myanmar. The military culture has been brought into a state enterprise or a public ofce where ex-soldiers are employed as a senior ofcial. They make a quick decision but the decision often changes from time to time. There is no atmosphere where colleagues do cleaning or other works in cooperation with each other. It cannot say that there is so-called “Team work culture.” We understand well the way of thinking characteristic of Myanmar and circumstances behind it. In the future, with the progress of industrialization, people in Myanmar will work under a different industrial structure. What is the career consciousness in Myanmar?The academic career-based society has been rooted in Myanmar more than in Japan. At the beginning of the discussion, I mentioned that to pass the high school graduation examination means to obtain a uni-versity entrance qualication. The perfect score of the examination is 600, and the score a student obtains follows him/her around for the rest of his/her life. A university he/she will enter and a position he/she will take at the ofce he/she is employed after graduation from university are determined according to the score. Therefore, a career path aimed at by Myanmar people has been to obtain a high score on the graduation examination. However, if there are role models with changes in circumstances in the future, for example, a person who did not pass the graduation examination and could not enter univer-sity, but took training after being employed by a Japanese company and has achieved success as a future executive, etc., people who think there is more to life than graduating from university will increase. I hope that personnel who receive sufcient education and can express his/her opinions will be developed in Myanmar in the future, and that such personnel will play an active part as a corporate executive.Thank you very much for this invaluable discussion. We could learn details of the current situations of educational systems and vocational education in Myanmar. At the same time, we felt that there are many roles that HIDA can assume for the development of industry ready personnel in Myanmar.HIDA implemented programs this scal year targeting Myanmar: The training program with the theme of quality control and the expert dispatch program in combination of individual instruction and seminar with the theme of 5S and Kaizen. We would like you to fully utilize our programs for human resource development in Myanmar. A scene at the venueExamples of training and expert dispatch programs implemented this scal year targeting Myanmar are as follows:■ Training programWe implemented the Program on Quality Management for Myanmar between Monday, September 5, 2016 and Friday, September 16, 2016 at Kansai Kenshu Center. Managers in the manufacturing in-dustry took part in the program. With the aim of improving skills to promote quality management, they learned about the framework and characteristics of TQM activities developed in Japan, methods to solve QC issues, and quality improvement activities through lec-tures, visits, and group works.■ Expert dispatch programFor further establishment of Japanese site management, we dis-patched an expert to member companies of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) to hold a seminar on 5S and site improve-ment activities in Yangon and Mandalay for two days in each city. Following the seminar, the expert visited two factories of the com-panies participating in the seminar to provide instruction for ve days at each factory according to its situation.