
24 HIDA JOURNALEstablishment of the New Delhi offi ce in IndiaAs the economic relationship between Japan and India has been growing in depth, HIDA decided to found a new offi ce in New Delhi in India and held the opening ceremony on October 30, 2013. This office is the third of our Overseas Offices, following those in Bangkok, Thailand and in Jakarta, Indonesia. The ceremony was attended by about 120 involved parties, including those from Japanese and Indian governmental and industrial organizations and companies, and started with an opening address by President Kaneko of HIDA, who said that highly skilled human resources would be an essential part of major industries of India, which was showing dramatic economic growth, and that HIDA would like to support economic cooperation through human resource development.Those present as guests included H.E. Mr. EMS. Natchiyappan, the Indian Minister of State, H.E. Mr. Takeshi Yagi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to India, Mr. Arjun Asrani, Chairperson of the India-Japan Partnership Forum (former Ambassador of India to Japan), Mr. Vikas Swarup, Joint Secretary of the Indian Ministry of External Aff airs, Dr. Tsuneo Yahagi, Professor Emeritus, Keio University (program director of HIDA’s Management Training course) and Mr. M. R. Ranganathan, Chairperson of the Federation of AOTS Alumni Association of India.H.E. Mr. EMS. Natchiyappan, the Indian Minister of State, said, in his guest speech, “As there is expected to be growing demand in India for industrial human resources with advanced skills in the future, the establishment of the HIDA office in India is sure to substantially benefit those looking for such human resources in technological fields,” welcoming the foundation of the offi ce of HIDA.H.E. Mr. Takeshi Yagi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to India, also showed his expectations for the human resource development projects of HIDA, by saying, in his guest speech, “Japan’s foreign direct investment in India has increased sevenfold in the past three years, resulting in Japan becoming the third largest foreign direct investor for India. This investment from Japan is mainly in manufacturing industries. The number of Japanese companies in India reached 926 in 2012, and there is increasing demand for Japanese technologies and quality Indian human resources to be put to more eff ective use. In addition, the Indian government has established the National Manufacturing Policy, which places great emphasis on technological development. The Japanese government would like to support the projects which HIDA is carrying out in this region and is hoping that technological transfers from Japan to Indian manufacturers will be facilitated through HIDA’s Training Programs and Experts Dispatch Program. We also believe that grassroots activities of HIDA-AOTS Alumni Societies aimed at enhancing friendship, and deepening understanding, between Japan and India will play important roles in encouraging interest in Japan, contributing substantially to Japan’s foreign direct investment in India and personal exchanges between the two countries.”The establishment of the New Delhi office has been officially approved by the Indian government. The offi ce is soon to be put into operation. (As of January 31, 2014)A South African mission visited HIDAA mission from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC) in South African Republic visited HIDA’s Tokyo Kenshu Center on November 18, 2013. This came after the September visit to the country by President Kaneko of HIDA, in which an agreement was reached that HIDA and AIDC would establish relationship of mutual cooperation for the development of engineers and managers to facilitate the growth of the South African automobile industry in the future. On the day of their visit to the Center, an outline of the South African government’s policies concerning the automobile industry was provided, the current activities of DTI, AIDC and HIDA were described, and active exchanges of views took place to explore possibilities of cooperation through HIDA’s human resource development programs.HIDA is scheduled to implement a Management Training course in the automobile industry in March 2014 in Tokyo and is planning to Opening address by President KanekoRibbon cutting by guestsFrom left: H.E. Mr. Takeshi Yagi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to India, President Kaneko, H.E. Mr. EMS. Natchiyappan, the Indian Minister of State, Mr. Arjun Asrani, Chairperson of the India-Japan Partnership Forum (former Ambassador of India to Japan), Mr. Vikas Swarup, Joint Secretary of the Indian Ministry of External Aff airs and Mr. M. R. Ranganathan, Chairperson of the Federation of AOTS Alumni Association of IndiaHIDA NEWSFront, from second from left: Mr. Renai Moothilal, Director, Automotive Division, DTI, President Kaneko and Mr. Nkumbuzi Ben-Mazwi, Enterprise and Supplier Development Manager̶Gauteng Region, AIDCcontinue to enhance its support to African countries through the development of industrial human resources.


