
20 HIDA JOURNALWNF Programs Financed through the World Network of Friendship (WNF) FundWNF (World Network of Friendship) Programs are financed through the WNF Fund, which is funded with donations from AOTS Alumni Societies, HIDA staff members and the general public. The purpose of WNF Programs is to facilitate South-South Cooperative Activity between developing countries by getting AOTS Alumni Societies to dispatch participants and experts to each other and autonomously transfer technologies between them. The WNF Fund provides these overseas experts and participants with certain amounts of money to cover the costs of their stays in the countries to which they are dispatched.The FY2013 WNF Programs consist of 18 programs planned by a total of 11 Alumni Societies. Of which, “Training Program on Interior Designing,” hosted by the Nepal AOTS Alumni Society, and “Young Leadership Workshop,” hosted by the Bangladeshi Chattagram AOTS Alumni Society, will be described below.For details about the WNF Fund and WNF Programs, please visit the offi cial website of HIDA:http://www.hidajapan.or.jp/jp/network/alumni/wnf.htmlhttp://www.hidajapan.or.jp/jp/network/alumni/wnf.htmlTraining Program on Interior Designing in NepalThe program on interior designing, hosted by the Nepal AOTS Alumni Society, was held over fi ve days from July 22 to 26, 2013, in Kathmandu, Nepal. It was held through cooperation between the Nepal AOTS Alumni Society and the Bangladesh AOTS Alumni Society (BAAS) in Dhaka by inviting an expert from Bangladesh to Nepal. This program was participated in by 21 young engineers working in the local interior industry and was designed to allow them to develop comprehensive knowledge of interior design, including the basics of offi ce and housing design, use of color and tools, selection of appropriate techniques, etc., through specific examples, with the aim of improving the quality of interior design.In fact, a program with the same title was also held in FY2012 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, by inviting two Nepalese participants to Dhaka. The instructor who had taught them in this program went to Nepal to teach a larger number of participants this time, while the Nepalese ex-participants who had participated in last year’s program been carrying out very distinctive activities. For example, the former held the Management Seminar on 5S Implementation Activities for Peru 5S Prize in the future, while the latter has succeeded to make their consulting business take off. In addition, in the conference, Mexican ex-participants gave presentations to share with other participants examples of improvement actions by four companies, besides reports on the activities of individual Alumni Societies. One of them, a Mexican ex-participant working for an automotive part manufacturer, talked passionately about how he had set about planning company-wide improvement actions for his company, identifi ed waste to cut it out, provided personnel training, organized an improvement team, carried out and promoted improvement activities, founded an in-house improvement prize, and so on, with the understanding of the top management. When the presenter said, “I owe what I am today to the HIDA (AOTS) training,” we rediscovered how much impact our training in Japan could have on participants. It was also very memorable that people in important positions in respective Alumni Societies were saying, with great enthusiasm, “It is my commitment to HIDA (AOTS) that keeps us going.”The conference passed the resolution that sharing of information between Alumni Societies should be enhanced in order to allow individual Alumni Societies to make the most of their own strengths to effectively support each other within the region. In addition, a mailing list was launched within several days after the closing of the conference to exchange opinions towards cooperation projects. We are placing a lot of expectations on the new FELAAS in the Latin American region, which is anticipated to achieve even greater economic growth in the future. Moreover, two-city circuit seminars were co-hosted with the Alumni Associations in Mexico City and Sao Paulo as concurrent events to the conference through coordination and cooperation with the two Alumni Societies, by inviting Mr. Yoshihisa Matsuda from Japan as the lecturer. These seminars, which were themed “problem solving that benefi ts companies,” were Attendees of the Opening Ceremony of the FELAAS Conference in Mexico CityActive exchange of opinions between representatives of respective Alumni Societiesparticipated in by about 60 people in total over two days in Mexico City and about 85 people in one day in Sao Paulo and were received very well and appreciated, showing how much attention Japanese-style problem solving was receiving in the region.[Kaori Saito, Global Strategy Group, HIDA Research Institute]


