HIDAJournal 2012 SPRING No.2
15HIDA Journal No. 2 ● SPRING 2013The 10th Federation of Southeast Asian AOTS Alumni Societies (FOSAAS) Confer-ence was held in Manila, the Philippines, for two days from November 15 to 16 in 2012.FOSAAS is a regional association of AOTS alumni societies that consists of 13 societies in 8 countries in Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. This convention was organized by the Philippines Cultural and Technical Association of Returned Overseas Scholars (PHILCULTAROS). Southeast Asia is a re-gion with particularly large Japanese direct investment. This means there are many re-turned overseas trainees and there are many opportunities for collaboration between each AOTS alumni society and HIDA, which offers management and overseas training programs.The theme for the convention was “Working towards One ASEAN Community ‘Chal-lenges & Opportunities’”. Lectures and dis-cussions were held on cooperation between alumni societies in the region in the field of human resource development in advance of the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. In addition, an agreement was reached to increase business and cultural exchange going forward. The Myanmar HIDA (AOTS) Alumni As-sociation (MHAA) was selected as the organizer of the next conference. This is because Myanmar is attracting worldwide attention as a new desti-nation for business in the region after economic sanctions were fully lifted. Moving forward, MHAA is expected to play a key role in the field of industrial human resource develop-ment, which is essential to the economic growth of the country. MHAA started anew in 2012 with the appointment of a new chair-man and FOSAAS has agreed to help sup-port MHAA.At the request of FOSAAS, the chairman of the Alumni Society of AOTS, Kerala from India took part as an observer in the most recent conference in the Philippines. In ad-dition, since the WNF (World Network of Friendship) Management Committee* was held on November 17, 2012 in Manila, an opportunity was arranged for FOSAAS rep-resentatives and WNF Management Com-mittee members to meet. HIDA hopes that this type of FOSAAS initiative will spread to other regional federations and that more op-portunities will be arranged for cross-border exchange between alumni societies. *WNF Management Committee: This committee examines the implementation policy of the WNF Program, which strives for south-south coopera-tion between alumni societies. It also reviews the management policy of the WNF Fund used to fi-nance these activities. The committee consists of one representative from each regional federation.Opening ceremony (a hotel in Manila City)On November 21, 2012, an exchange meet-ing on water treatment technologies was held at HIDA Kansai Kenshu Center (KKC), inviting management training participants and Japanese corporations and organiza-tions. This meeting was co-hosted by the Osaka & Asia Regional Business Promotion Council (Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City, the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Osaka Foundation for Trade and Indus-try, and Osaka International Business Pro-motion Center) and KKC, timed to coincide with the Program on Industrial Waste-Water Treatment Technologies for Asia (PAWW). The meeting focused on waste-water pro-cessing technology.The attendees of the meeting included 24 PAWW participants from six Asian coun-tries (Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thai-land, Nepal, and Bangladesh) who represent-ed private and public corporations engaged in industrial waste-water processing and 52 Japanese business persons from Osaka-based corporations and organizations of-fering superior water-related technologies. They discussed technologies required to resolve issues and challenges shouldered by Asian companies and deepened their under-standing of each other’s businesses.The PAWW participants submitted reports to HIDA on their issues and challenges be-fore attending the training, enabling the Japanese side to gather business people with specific needs and seeds (technical solutions) for the meeting. The ex-change meeting was very successful with passionate interactions taking place. A total of 104 individual business meetings were held, allowing the partici-pants to capture critical in-formation and prompting the Japanese corporations to expand their businesses. The hosting organizations of the meeting will contin-ue to work together and of-fer appropriate assistance, hoping to see real business engagements cre-ated based on this exchange. HIDA will work with local government agencies and industry sectors in this manner to further enhance our initiative in changing human resource development opportunities into actual business opportunities. Exchange Meeting on Water Treatment Technologies (Osaka) Conference by the Federation of Southeast Asian AOTS Alumni SocietiesExchange Meeting on Water Treatment Technologies (HIDA Kansai Kenshu Center)