
■Northeast Asia■Southeast Asia■South Asia■Latin America■Africa■Europe■Other15 people, 2%5 people, 1%48 people, 6%73 people, 9%294 people, 36%98 people, 12%275 people, 34%EPCM Participants by Region (Number of people, %) (FY1983-FY2013)10 HIDA JOURNALIn 1983 when Dr. Yahagi left the world of business and started teaching for the first time at Keio Business School, then-AOTS’s senior managing director asked him to help running the training program for corporate managers of developing countries. Since then, Dr. Yahagi has been giving lectures for EPCM for 30 years. According to Dr. Yahagi, AOTS’s “commitment to people-to-people exchange” and “enthusiasm that people-to-people exchange will lead to world peace” touched his heartstrings.When Dr. Yahagi was in high school, he visited the United States as an exchange student and was welcomed as a member of a local family. He spent quality time mingling and discussing with students from various countries. Reminiscing the importance of personal exchange between diff erent nationals he had felt at the time, Dr. Yahagi realized teaching at this program was his lifework and accepted the position as the program director of EPCM. The reason Dr. Yahagi feels EPCM as his lifework is because he thinks that the foundation of “peace” can be formed by mutual understanding and building of trusting relationships while people with many different ethnic backgrounds and nationalities get together and make thorough discussions about the same issue from completely diff erent perspectives and values. Dr. Yahagi says he believes this way more strongly now than ever before after 30 years.Therefore, he views the true value of this training program lies in how much of the enthusiasm and sincerity of HIDA lecturers and staff members can be conveyed to the participants, in addition to the high quality of the program. So only after long years of trial and error, he settled on the current group of lecturers and the companies to visit. Every year the number of applicants exceeds the capacity limit, and the level of selected participants is highly rated in terms of both intellect and personality.The first EPCM was conducted in 1983. The total number of participants between 1983 and 2013 exceeded 800, and they are corporate executive managers from 54 countries, such as Asia, Africa, Central and South America and Europe, including India.Among them, over 100 participants were from India, followed by Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.The Starting Point of EPCM’s 30 Year HistoryFigures for EPCM participants


