HIDAJournal 2012 SPRING No.2

HIDA Journal No. 2 ● SPRING 201316HIDA will close the Yokohama Kenshu Cen-ter (YKC) as of the end of March 2013.We opened YKC in Shiomidai, Isogo-ward, Yokohama City in April 1964. It has been located in Fukuura, Kanazawa-ward, Yoko-hama City since it was transferred to the site in April 1989. YKC has been utilized by an enormous number of HIDA trainees over a period of almost 50 years, functioning not only as an important site for technical co-operation, but as a site of international ex-change for local residents.However, the recent economic and finan-cial situations in Japan and overseas have required HIDA to respond to the rapidly-changing business environment surround-ing us, and as a result, we decided to close YKC. Closing this facility with such a long history was a very difficult decision for HIDA, but we intend to maintain the do-mestic and international human networks we developed throughout our history, and incorporate requirements for our stakehold-ers to develop and implement better opera-tions going forward.Last but not least, HIDA takes this opportu-nity to thank all the people who have assist-ed and worked with us in the history of YKC.HIDA plans to change into a general incorporated foundation in line with the new public interest corporation system reform. We have already submitted the required application forms to the Cabinet Office. The application forms are currently being reviewed by the Public Interest Corporation Commission of the Cabinet Office.After we obtain the status of a general incorporated foundation, HIDA will solidly stick to the mission we have implemented over time as a public interest corporation: helping to serve developing countries and enable mutual economic development through economic and technical cooperation and enhancing mutual friendship through the establishment of human networks.Based on this principle, HIDA will change into a general incorporated foundation so that we can rapidly support a variety of issues faced by the international community and implement general activities benefiting society. We will continue to work for the public good. HIDA asks for continued understanding and assistance from related parties. Closing of Yokohama Kenshu Center HIDA is changing into a general incorporated foundationOld Yokohama Kenshu Center (Isogo-ward, Yokohama City)Current Yokohama Kenshu Center (Kanazawa-ward, Yokohama City)HIDA News


